Kenpo (Kempo) translated from Japanese means the method of the fist. The name Polish Kenpo is not accidental because the style was developed in Poland by Pole Adam Jurczakowski. The inspiration for the stale was Ju-jitsu, Karate Shotokan, Kenpo Karate (American Kenpo), and Kickboxing. During training, different types of weapons, such as: hanbo, nunchaku, ken, tanto, arc etc., are used. The aim of the Polish Kenpo training is self-improvement, intellectual development and real self-defense. Every master should express himself through martial arts. He should also develop it by adding new technical elements and new weapons and passing it on to other generations of students. In sum, Polish Kenpo offers a very broad curriculum. On the basis of it, after reaching the master level, there should be continuous development of the individual. Polish Kenpo trainers and their style enthusiasts are part of the World Polish Kenpo Organization (WPKO), which belongs to the International Combat Martial Arts Unions Association (ICMAUA).
Headquarters : 05-820 Piastow, Skorupki Street 8/86, Poland.                                                          +48 602 800 708, polkenpo@gmail.com

Soke Adam Jurczakowski

