Saturday, June 8, 2019

The second championships of Ustka in the Polish Kenpo

On June 8, during the second championships of Ustka in Polish Kenpo, competition in knives competition took place. Jagoda Pilarczyk won the title of champion. Grzegorz Sawczuk won the second place. The third place ex-aequo was taken by: Franciszek Sledz, Lena Bak, and Emil Bak.
The special guest of the championships was Shihan Robert Wiech.
Additional attractions included a demonstration of self-defense performed by Sensei Agnieszka Ciesielska and a demonstration of fighting with a long stick (bo) and a sword (ken) performed by Shihan Robert Wiech and Soke Adam Jurczakowski.
At the end of the championship, director Leokadia Kuper was awarded the Crystal Prize by the Board of the World Polish Kenpo Organization.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Exam in the Ustka Dojo

On June 3, in the city of Ustka, there was a 6 kyu exam in the Polish Kenpo martial art. The green belts were won by: Jagoda Pilarczyk, Grzegorz Sawczuk and Franciszek Sledz.
